- Journal
Spent the night getting drunk and watching fireworks on TV. I know our president gave a speech somewhere that was controversial, but I mostly kept my attention focused elsewhere. I’ve been watching YouTube videos on the new lens I purchased yesterday and that has only made me more excited. It’s a macro lens, and I’m already brainstorming ways to use it. This will be my third lens, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Fireworks went off for hours last night, and I couldn’t go to sleep until midnight. Today my plan is to be lazy and see if I can’t finish the rest of the beer I purchased on Friday. I return to work tomorrow. I spent the last week poking at my new novel idea, but I have to settle down and work on it some more this week. I like this idea but it’s ambitious and tough. Like America. I’ve found it tough to be a proud American during our presidents reign of terror, but I know we’ll get through it. We have to.